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Block Bots / Users based on IP, Country or User-Agent

PrestaShop Block Bots / Users based on IP, Country or User-Agent 1.1.10

Línea Gráfica

Ban and block the access to your store for unwanted bots or users creating banishments by IP address, country code or user-agent.

We have designed this module to help you prevent unwanted users from entering your store, especially robots, spiders, crawlers and shopping bots that may cause harm to you store.

Ban by IP address
Write the IP address you want to block and click on "Confirm". After that, the person with this IP will not be able to enter the website and will get a white page with the following message "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access ... on this server". You can create an unlimited number of IP bans.
Note: you need to write the full IP address, this is NOT possible to use wildcard character such as * or %

Ban by country
Write the country code you want to block and click on "Confirm". After that, all the persons from this country will not be able to enter the website and will get a white page with the following message "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access ... on this server". You can create an unlimited number of country bans.
Note: you need to have mod_geoip enabled on your server to be able to block users by country (you can ask your hosting to enable it for you).

Ban by user-agent
Write the user-agent you want to block and click on "Confirm". After that, this user-agent will not be able to enter the website and will get a white page with the following message "Forbidden - You don't have permission to access ... on this server". You can create an unlimited number of user-agent bans.

Some examples of user-agents
Here are some examples of user-agents: yandexbot, baiduspider, sogou spider, bingbot, slurp, msnbot, twengabot, shopzilla, taringa, facebook...
You will easily find the name of the user-agents you are looking for at the following links:

IMPORTANT BEFORE BUY THE MODULE: Our module only works with the Apache’s module from GeoIp installed on your system, not with the GeoIp library from PHP. If you don’t have the Apache’s module needed our module will never work in your shop.
  • Version 1.1.10
  • Downloads 12
  • Views 232
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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