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Batch/Lot Expiration date, DLC, Management

PrestaShop Batch/Lot Expiration date, DLC, Management 1.0.0


Optimize PrestaShop efficiency with our Batch/Lot & Expiry Date Management Module for perishable goods. Manage product batches and expiration dates effortlessly, ensuring precise stock control and FIFO compliance.
  • Reduced Waste: Minimize the risk of expired products by selling older stock first, reducing waste and maximizing profits.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Deliver fresh products to your customers consistently, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Efficient Inventory Control: Take control of your inventory with a module that simplifies the process of managing Batches/Lots and expiration dates.
  1. Effortless Batch/Lot Creation: Easily split your stock into manageable lots with a user-friendly interface. Define the quantity for each Batch/Lot, allowing for precise control over your inventory.
  2. FIFO Implementation: Embrace the FIFO methodology to prioritize the sale of products based on their arrival in the inventory. This ensures that older stock is utilized first, minimizing the risk of expired goods.
  3. Alerts and Notifications: Receive timely alerts when a Batch/Lot is running out of stock, allowing you to restock and avoid interruptions in product availability. Additionally, get notifications when a Batch/Lot is nearing its expiry date, enabling proactive management to prevent the sale of expired goods.
  • Version 1.0.0
  • Downloads 8
  • Views 301
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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