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Auction Premium - Online Product Bid

PrestaShop Auction Premium - Online Product Bid 2.1.0


Auction Premium module is a powerful, robust and feature-rich solution for boosting your business. This handy module consists of premium features that allow your buyers to get fully involved in the shopping process by creating competition among them.

This premium module creates a higher engagement between your buyers. Auctions are one of the best ways to engage your customers and drive more sales. Premium module features include:
  • Reversed auction. This is the only module that has reversed the auction in the Addons market. In this type of auction, the customers compete with each other who will buy your products first as time runs out.
  • Easy to manage. A clear and well-functioning design of the back office will help you to easily manage the auction module.
  • Auto bids. Automatic bidding is the easiest way to bid on an auction. Simply let your customers enter the highest price they’re willing to pay for an item and automatically module will do a bid for them.
  • Define the duration of auction time. Simply decide how long the auction should last.
  • Bid range. Set the price range within the starting and ending price.
  • Registration. This feature enables you to allow only registered customers to participate in the auction. Merchant can easily enable/disable desired user registration in the back-office.
  • Ban users. The newly implemented feature helps you to ban unwanted users.
  • Auction sniping. Protect yourself and your buyers from last-second wins which might feel not fair by extending auction time after last-minute bids.
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Reactions: abuji
  • Version 2.1.0
  • Downloads 68
  • Views 948
  • Last Update
  • Rating 5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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