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ALD - AliExpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce

ALD - AliExpress Dropshipping and Fulfillment for WooCommerce 2.1.9

/**2.1.9 - 2025.03.07**/
- Added: Added options to filter on the imported list page.
- Added: Added "Restore" button for products that are in trash on the imported page but have a WooCommerce status other than trash.
- Fixed: Fixed an issue where the product price was incorrect when importing as a simple product.
- Updated: Compatibility check with WC 9.7.0
– Updated: Update support class
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Reactions: edgars221289
/**2.1.7 - 2024.12.05**/
- Fixed: Resolved issue with retrieving access token.
- Updated: Compatibility check with WP 6.7.1
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Reactions: edgars221289
/**2.1.2 - 2024.09.14**/
- Updated: Migrate products with API without AliExpress access token
- Updated: Allow to sync product information via API without AliExpress access token
- Updated: Only import AliExpress products to the domain opening 'Find product to import' with the Chrome extension
- Fixed: Can not click the previous/next page buttons on the vendor dashboard
- Added: Option to use API while getting AliExpress product data to re-import, override product, and import product from 'Find product to import'
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Reactions: edgars221289
/**2.1.0 - 2024.08.10**/
- Updated: Remove the old API and use the new API to get product information, get access token, and place orders to your AliExpress account
- Updated: Import AliExpress product categories data from Aliexpress.ru
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Reactions: edgars221289
/**2.0.0 - 2023.09.29*/
– Updated: Move Ali product to new table
– Updated: Add Ali categories when import product
– Updated: Default shipping when import product
– Updated: Change to new AliExpress API for product/order sync, place order
/**1.2.0 - 2023.08.10*/
– Added: Find Ali product to import from Import list
– Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce HPOS(COT)
– Updated: Remove tax from sync product
– Updated: Keep SKU option when override
– Fixed: Cannot retrieve data when data contain tradeComponent
– Added: Notice to admin email when auto fulfill
– Added: Save custom attributes to WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches plugin
– Added: Change shipping country option at single product page
/**1.1.11 - 2023.05.25*/
- Added: Compatible with Codisto Channel Cloud
- Added: Option add video to description
- Updated: Notice Price of the product applicable to the country
- Updated: Compatible with Dokan subscription module
/**1.1.9 - 2023.03.10*/
- Updated: "Ignore import ship from" option now changes to "Remove Ship-from attribute" so that it's possible to choose "Default Ship-from country" instead of only China
- Updated: Remove product URL at email heading because WooCOmmerce esc_html on email heading
- Fixed: Migrate products
- Added: Always use default carrier option
- Added: Don't allow vendor use setting page
/**1.1.7 - 2023.01.06*/
- Updated: Allow syncing products from aliexpress.ru if the store currency is RUB or if RUB/USD rate is configured
- Updated: skuId is required to fulfill orders on aliexpress.ru so search in original ALD product data if not available in woo product meta
- Updated: Prevent "find and replace" feature from changing image urls in product description