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Added an accessibility menu under the Advanced option to control some of the aria-labels, which were not possible to change until now
Keyword highlighter - now works for the search results page too
Keyword highlighter - now instead of using local storage, the asp_highlight query argument is used. This better determines where to use the highlighter, and can be used even globally.
Delete button on the back-end fixed
Added a missing aria-label to the search button
Added an CSS unset for min and max height for the input fields
Fixed an issue with the index table search, where in some cases the results vanished due to a query argument issue with WP_Query
Fixed an issu with the stylesheet loading by forcing the correct protocol
Custom field filters - "range inputs" filter type. Two numeric input fields for price etc.. (more information about this will be added soon)
Filtering of Post Type Archive pages is not supported
Number format for advanced title/content fields, with arguments "type=number", "decimals=0", "decimal_separator='.'", "thousand_separator=',' (more information about this will be added soon)
Hook for output font CSS: asp_fonts_css
Custom Field Filters - Added "is_post_id" argument to the {get_fields} feature, so that custom fields holding post IDs as values can now display the post title as the filter label. Useful with ex.: The Event Calendar Venues etc.. (more information about this will be added soon)
"is_post_id" as adavnced title/field argument - custom fields holding post IDs as values can now display the post title as the filter label. Useful with ex.: The Event Calendar Venues etc.. (more information about this will be added soon)
Auto-scroll: When clicking on a results and then the browser back button, then the plugin will automatically scroll back to the clicked result element (more information about this will be added soon)
Added 3 new themes Rounded Dark Blue, Rounded Light Blue and Rounded Lilac
Removed the input[type=submit] from the search form and changed the magnifier element to a button so it is better targetable with the tab key.
Changed the checkbox "tick" elements from labels to divs for better SEO
Fixed an issue where the plugin would appear "abandoned" in WordFence, when the update information is not available
When using the Media Service for PDF indexing, the plugin now can display the description (from the PDF content) in the live results list. Keyword highlighter can will work with this text.
Fixed an issue with ACF multiselect value indexing
Fixed an issue with SG Optimizer - where the plugin CSS was not parsed by the CSS combine feature
Fixed an issue with the search box alignment
Corrected the search query order according to the actual results order set on the plugin back-end.
Fixed an issue with the "try this" keywords - they no longer trigger the live search, when the trigger is turned off
Fixed an issue where the results container was not initialized in time
OutputBuffer class - isolate OB from the CSS manager code, add hooks to allow access to ob output
Improved asset loader - now the plugin auto-detects where the Fonts/Styles/Scripts should be added. This will save a lot of overhead on pages where the plugin shortcode is not present.
Permanently removed the old legacy scripts - reducing the plugin size greatly
Further improved script loading method
Index Table - now indexes the post type singular and plural names (at title priority). Ex. the user types in "products" then items from the products post type are prioritized
Advanced title and content fields - Made them bigger for convenient editing
Removed some unused image assets
WCAG Improvements - Checkbox filters "label" tag changed to "DIV" instad, so the WCAG readers don't get confused. Search form now also has a role=search added
Fixed an issue with the index table attachment search - where the post type search settings have affected the attachment search settings
Fixed an issue with the search style when displayed in an Elementor pop-up. In case of style issues please check the styling issues documentation for a solution
The live search filter now works on the WooCommerce shop page
The live search filter now works on the Category, Tag and any other Taxonomy archive pages
Greatly improved the title keyword suggestions and autocomplete algorithm
Removed the deprecated old scrollbar script
Better search style loading - by default, the customized search styles are now printed as inline styles. This saves a lot of bandwith, when having multiple search instances. CSS/JS minify plugins are commonly used, and this method gives them better control over each page style.
Changed the autocomplete field for a negative tabindex, so it is excluded from keyboard navigation
Removed the Async CSS loader - it was not effective for proper pageview scores and CDN/Cache plugin providers have far superior solutions
Reorganized Compatibility Panel
For better compatibility, changed the javascript response delimiters to not include "!" characters
The URL override faute now works with the Elementor live results as well - until now, the browser address URL always changed, now it does not, until it is enabled
Self-hosted all the images - there was an issue reported with slow loading.
"Show more results" text now supporting the {phrase} variable
Major refactoring and reorganizing of the core server side code to meet higher PHP coding standards
Horizontal layout - now correctly displays the result descriptions, whenever images are not available
Fixed an issue with the japanese ideographic space character
Improved the inline script loader for the search instances, so that cache plugins better recognize the difference of the ouptut by pages
Fixed an issue with the BuddyPress xprofie field otpion