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Advanced Location Detection

PrestaShop Advanced Location Detection 2.16.0


Detect the country and language of your visitors and configure redirects, default customer language, currency and carrier, besides other actions.
  • Increase the confidence of your customers by showing the store in their language and their local currency.
  • Global scope with support of IPv4 and IPv6.
  • Relocates the visitor to their local store thanks to redirects.
  • Create optional redirections for the visitor thanks to the pop-up window.
  • Safe redirections thanks to the option to exclude the bots / spiders, the SEO of your store is not affected.
  • It shows important messages only for certain countries.
  • It allows to establish a default carrier by country.
  • The language and currency settings are completely customizable for each country.
  • 100% free IP geolocation service.
  • Automatic updates of the default IP database.


Create redirections based in the country or countries, with options of:
  • Selecting one country or group of countries for one redirection.
  • Specifying the quantity of redirections.
  • Using the full path of the URL which the visitor accessed our store, and redirect to the same URL, but with a new domain name.
  • Displaying a popup and give the visitor the option to be redirected or stay in the store (multi-language).
  • Using some available tags in the content of the popup, like the country name, country flag and the URL which will be redirected.
Create custom infobars based in the country or countries, with options of:
  • Selecting one country or group of countries for one infobar.
  • Adding the content in the editor (multi-language) with some available tags, like the country name and the country flag.
  • Configuring some CSS options, such as width, height, background, border size, border color, color of the closing button and the position.
  • Static position in the screen (or not).
  • Creating your custom CSS (for advanced users).
Create your custom country or countries, with options of:
  • Setting the appropriate currency for the country.
  • Setting three options of languages for the country.
  • Setting the appropriate carrier for the country.

More Features
  • Option to add IPs to exclude detection and maintain a good SEO.
  • Option to add user agents (like google, bing, yahoo, etc.) to exclude detection and maintain a good SEO.
  • Compatible with CloudFlare.
  • Detect the country of your visitors based on their IP.
  • Detect the language of your visitors based on their country of origin or browser language.
  • Detect the currency of your visitors based on their country of origin.
  • Option to change automatically the language and / or the currency once is detected.
  • Set a default carrier for each country.
  • Option to indicate the lifetime of the cookie.
  • Option to enter the API token that allows the automatic updates of the default IP database.
  • Option to select the database with which the geolocation will operate.
  • The module already includes information (except associated carriers) for all 244 PrestaShop native countries.
  • The configuration can be tested before in debug mode with a custom IP (only some features are available in this mode).
  • All options are perfectly designed for multi-store, except the countries list.
  • Version 2.16.0
  • Downloads 53
  • Views 557
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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