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Added a new route on the REST-API to get statistics for every email from a follow-up
Bug fixes
Fixed the campaigns creation and templates selection step.
For the ElasticEmail integration, we added a verification on the access rights for attachments and fixed the attachments names when they contain characters not handled by ElasticEmail
There was an issue when trying to save K2 items, it has been fixed now.
You can now add and configure an unsubscribe survey with predefined answers on the unsubscribe page. The unsubscribe reasons will be available in the user's history and in the list edit page.
You can now use the follow-up feature via the REST API
The size of emails built with our editor has been reduced by 25% on average, which should improve the sending speed of your emails.
When importing subscribers, the default language will be automatically assigned if multilingual is enabled and no language field specified in import
The lists listing columns have been changed to improve the readability on small screens.
Improved campaign loading time, even for large campaign volumes.
When resizing images of content inserted in the editor like articles, we now handle images with an incorrect extension in their name.
Added an index on the column cms_id of the table user to improve the performance of filters on it.
You can now set the language of the subscriber when creating or updating via the REST API.
Added the possibility to directly insert a file link with the media manager when inserting a button in the editor
[add-ons] It is now possible to search products by product code in the HikaShop filters in the automations and follow-up campaigns.
We added the "Shipped" status for the VirtueMart filter: Purchased a product
[add-ons] We added the possibility to specify the menu item related to iCagenda events for a better integration in the emails.
[add-ons] The lists shown in Gravity Forms now show the list's display name when available.
[add-ons] Improved performance on integration plugins loading.
Bug fixes
We fixed the welcome and unsubscribe messages deletion on the list edition page.
Fixed the slide effect in the editor for some dynamic content options
Fixed a potential server error when saving an add-on's settings
The email field in the popup subscription form is now aligned in the center
Fixed a PHP deprecated warning that could appear when inserting a dynamic content in the editor
Fixed the save zone selection in the drag and drop editor, when you have several lines of zones, it could drag the saved zone from the line below
Fixed the display of override emails containing a “%” in the subject line, which caused a display error on the listing.
Fixed scrolling issue on some mobile devices on the available add-ons listing page.
Now, when unsubscribing from a follow-up, re-triggering it will not subscribe the user to the follow-up again
Fixed the error that occurred when typing an emoji in a custom field displayed in a subscription form.
Fixed mail history in user profile (horizontal scrolling and translation)
Two routes of the REST API were not allowed. It is now fixed
Fixed an error when a subscriber with no subscription is unsubscribing.
Fixed compatibility with some templates for the popup subscription form display after some time.
In some cases, the HTML structure of inserted articles could be broken if the article contained a separator and had a surrounding div element.
[add-ons] The Contact Form 7 forms with the AcyMailing integration don't subscribe the user anymore when a field is invalid.
Improvement of the bounce handling configuration and listing interfaces.
The List-Unsubscribe-Post=One-Click has been added to the headers of the emails linked at least to one list to follow GMail guidance and to reduce the effect of anti spam filter on your emails
An "Unsubscribe from all lists" link can be inserted in the email editor, allowing receivers to unsubscribe with one click from all the campaign lists they are subscribed to
Improve remaining credits message when no credits were used with the AcyMailing sending service
You can now export the unsubscribe date when exporting subscribers
The wording of the "Choose an action" drop-down menu in the Subscribers tab has been improved, making it consistent with the Status. So "enable" has become "activate", while "disable" has become "deactivate"
Bug fixes
The multiple select fields now correctly show the saved value for filters in the segments
Fixed send test button in template edition not taking Save Thumbnail configuration into account
Security added on universal filter SQL request when adding ; character at the end of the request
Fixed multilingual campaigns when resending to new users only
Fixed the emails displayed when choosing existing emails in the "add an email into the queue" automation action
Changed API error message when trying to subscribe or unsubscribe non-existing users
Fix resend confirmation email action which sent twice the email if tracking enabled
Fixed CLI extension installation for Joomla 4
Fixed front listing action when SEF is deactivated