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Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) 2.0.1


PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages or simply AMP module improves your website’s performance on mobile devices by reducing the page load time. It lets you convert several web pages into AMP-enabled pages.

A study suggests that mobile users prefer to take an exit from websites that take more than 3 seconds to load. This results in an increased bounce rate and affects your rankings on the search engine.

PrestaShop AMP module ensures that your mobile users enjoy as much of a seamless experience on your website as your desktop users.

Note: AMP module does not work with HTTP protocol. So make sure you have added an SSL layer to your website.

1. Improves page load speed
Since PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages module improves the page load speed, the page load time is automatically reduced. Page load speed is inversely proportional to the page load time, or vice versa.

2. Improves Mobile Rankings
PrestaShop AMP module significantly improves your mobile rankings on the search engine. AMP-enabled pages get higher preference on the search engine and are likely to be at a better position than Non-AMP pages.

3. Reduces bounce rate
Since AMP encourages quick loading, the bounce rate of your PrestaShop website is remarkably reduced.

4. Higher traffic and higher conversions
AMP-enabled websites tend to capture more mobile traffic than Non-AMP websites, simply because they are fast to load. This ultimately leads to higher mobile conversions.

5. Enhances User Experience
The purpose of AMP is to enhance the user experience by making mobile browsing easy convenient. PrestaShop AMP module does this to a great extent.
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Reactions: hossam and abuji
  • Version 2.0.1
  • Downloads 49
  • Views 714
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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