The default language of any content posted is English. Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the
Help page.
Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Implemented the ability to write a custom javascript code in the admin panel - that will only trigger on the first login of a user, after a successful registration.
Implemented the ability to write a custom javascript code in the admin panel - that will only trigger on the thank you page after a successful payment of a user.
Implemented the ability to add custom keys & values for the Language file directly via the admin panel.
Now you can add as many testimonials & FAQ's dynamically via the language file as you wish to.
Implemented the new Admin panel Payments API to retrieve the latest payments or a single payment.
Implemented the ability to set a default payment type from the admin panel - settings - payment page.
Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Landing page with the Organization, Breadcrumbs & FAQ list.
Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Plans page with the available payment plans of the website.
Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Plans page with the available payment plans of the website.
Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup: Blog page with the BlogPosting native schema.
Implemented Automatically generated Schema Markup for breadcrumbs on most publicly available pages..
Implemented o1, o1 mini, o3 mini to the AIX plugin.
Confetti animation has been added on the first login of a user after a successful registration.
Trimmed the animation on scroll library to reduce the size of the file (-50% in size).
Now the admin panel - settings - cron page will show a visual warning when your cron jobs stop running.
All plan monthly limits will now automatically reset when a user purchases a new plan.
The adblocker modal will now only trigger on pages where ads are supposed to be shown, ignoring pages that do not even have ads displayed.
If the user does not have access to the Export PDF feature, he will be blocked to use the browser printing functionality now.
Fixed issues with certain plan limits being wrongly reset (instead of monthly).
Fixed issues with certain language flags not being able to be used in the creation of a new Language via the admin panel.
Fixed the Invoice page using the white label feature - when it shouldn't.
Fixed the PDF & CSV export limitation based on plans not being applied to all pages.
Fixed the Charts not displaying when a logo in the website is not set.
Fixed a few issues with missing translations.
Fixed issues with countries filtering in the broadcasts system.
Implemented the ability offer full white-labeling to the end user (custom Title, Logo & Favicon) customizable based on plans.
Implemented the ability offer the Export (PDF, CSV, JSON) features on a per-plan basis.
Implemented the ability to view & manage all the Biolink pages caught Data directly via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion).
Implemented the ability to view & manage all the Biolink pages Guests Payments directly via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion) for the Payment blocks plugin.
Implemented the ability to view & manage all the Biolink pages Payment Processors directly via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion) for the Payment blocks plugin.
Implemented the Admin Panel Statistics page for Payment Processors for the Payment blocks plugin.
Implemented the Admin Panel Statistics page for Guests Payments for the Payment blocks plugin.
Implemented the ability to Bulk Delete Email Signatures for the Email Signatures plugin.
Implemented the ability to view & manage the Team members via the admin panel (including Export feature, Bulk deletion).
Implemented the ability to use a one-click button to select / deselect permissions of a user from a Team.
Implemented the ability to use a one-click button to enable / disable blocks of a plan via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to use include or remove yourself from the Directory page.
Implemented the ability to set default order by via the Account Preference page for: projects, pixels, domains, signatures, splash pages, data, payment processors, guests payments, aix plugin pages.
Added referrer policy tags to favicon image requests for more added privacy.
Improved the language update process to automatically update all resources using that language (in case the language code/name changes).
Removed GPT 4 Vision Preview from the AIX plugin (deprecated).
Security improved checks against direct access to certain PHP files.
Updated the available countries list & language locales to a more accurate one.
Footer socials links now use the noreferrer tag for added privacy.
Reworked the admin panel widgets for more available space.
Reworked the Guests Payments page to use the table-style view for consistency purposes.
Reworked the Payments Processors section to use the table-style view for consistency purposes.
Reworked the Splash Pages section to use the table-style view for consistency purposes.
Updated a few used external libraries of the project to their latest released versions.
Improved SEO by adding image alt texts for all the landing page images.
All datetime picker buttons will now show a smaller format as 19 Dec, 2024 instead of 19 December, 2024.
Improved loading speed in certain cases by minifying a few unminified JS libraries (select2, daterangepicker).
All charts now are automatically watermarked with your website's logo.
Multiple other small improvements throughout the product.
Fixed issue with the admin panel - view user page on Vcard, Event, Static links data.
Fixed issue with the Follow URL Query Parameters system on the Short URLs feature.
Fixed issue with the deletion of background images from the biolink themes on the admin panel.
Fixed issue with the biolink pages share button when the overall font size is increased.
Fixed issue with the audio block on biolink pages not showing the proper file size limit imposed to the user.
Fixed issue with server sent emails not taking into consideration the Custom Reply & Name.
Fixed issue with QR exporting to JPG when using mobile devices.
Fixed issue with statistics pages not properly saving the filtering (by country, for example) in certain cases.
Fixed issue with deleted Syntheses not deleting the actual file for the AIX plugin.
Implemented the iframe embed block for biolink pages - ultimate blocks plugin.
Implemented the ability to delete created links in bulk.
Implemented continent tracking data for links analytics.
Implemented the continents API endpoint for getting links analytics data.
Implemented the ability to send filtered broadcasts/internal notifications based on the user language.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable block types completely from the admin panel - all disabled by default upon updating.
Reworked the page that shows up when a database error is triggered to a more beautiful & simple one.
Reworked the sizing of the images shown when no data is found in different pages.
Reworked all the admin panel statistics pages empty states.
Updated the MaxMind ciy/countries tracking databases to their latest versions.
Updated the chartjs library to the latest version.
Improved the pay page look when numerous payment gateways are available.
Improved the push notifications plugin to support using variables and fixed issue with certain strings.
Improved the structure and look of the account settings page 2FA section.
Short URL destinations can now contain arab, chinese characters..etc as well.
Added Signal social link to the biolink pages.
Cleaned up a few pieces of unused CSS code.
Refactored the way the background blur and brightness is generated in the biolink block pages and fixed numerous issues that were generated by the previous implementation.
Fixed visual issue with the plugins page from the admin panel.
Fixed domain update page bug with custom not found URLs.
Fixed admin panel ad blocker detector feature not properly working.
Fixed taxes not displaying properly on checkout when using tax values with decimals.
Fixed some admin panel stats page not fully taking into consideration account timezone settings.
Fixed issues with some filtering options not working in the broadcasts / internal notifications features.
Fixed phone numbers not properly saving on vcard QR codes & links when labels are empty.
Fixed QR code PIX payments not being properly generated.
Fixed issue with viewing of certain images from the tools section.
Fixed issue with duplicated audio, video, pdf blocks in biolink pages.
Fixed issue with the map block link not being saved when created.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the pixels system via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to set the default order by via the account preference page for Links & QR codes.
Implemented the ability to set a default QR code image for the QR code generator.
Implemented the ability to check and manage biolink blocks via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to filter, export, bulk delete biolink blocks via the admin panel.
Implemented Continent display options settings for biolink blocks.
Implemented Browser display options settings for biolink blocks.
Implemented the ability to set the Autoplay, Controls, Loop, Muted features for the Video biolink block.
Implemented the ability to set the Autoplay, Controls, Loop, Muted features for the Audio biolink block.
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the biolink themes system via the admin panel.
PHP 8.1 is now minimum required PHP version.
Improved prompt for AI translations in the admin panel.
Added versioning to all asset links to avoid potential issues on new updates due to cached asset files.
Ads & cookie consent message (if set) will no longer show when using the print option of a browser.
Improved the admin panel - settings - cache page.
Improved the custom domains system caching to require less manual cache removals.
Reworked the cron job stats cleaner to be more performant and use less resources.
Improved numerous feature systems to not run extra checks and queries if that particular feature is disabled (domains, themes, templates, pixels...etc).
Reworked the admin panel - settings - links page for better categorization.
Added 4 new great fonts for the QR Code framing system & biolink pages.
Added widget counters for all the link types for the Admin panel User View page.
Collector type biolink blocks will now have the submit button reactivated on a new browsing session after 1 submission.
Improved image grid biolink block to support 3x images per row for the mobile view as well.
Improved admin panel biolink theme section to support the Description color setting as well for some blocks.
Fixed issues with some biolink blocks not properly removing the uploaded thumbnail images.
Fixed biolink block shadows not working properly for Markdown, Review & Timline blocks.
Fixed QR Code bulk creation not working in some cases when the API system is disabled.
Fixed QR code system issue with automatically refreshing the QR code even when not needed and blocking the submit button for a while.
Fixed QR code system broken links in dynamic QR codes.
Fixed issues with set filters after deletion of certain resources.
Fixed QR code page not auto updating the QR when removing uploaded images.
Fixed QR code system issues with transparency settings.
Fixed statistics cities section not properly showing the country name / icon.
Fixed statistics retention automatic clearing not properly taking into consideration the user plan.
Fixed blog RSS not working properly in the presence of some characters.
Fixed duplication of resources issue when the name of the duplication is too big.
Fixed footer pages icons not showing up.
Fixed display issues of dropdowns in some data tables.