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Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Implemented unconfirmed users auto deletion feature, configurable via the admin panel.
Implemented user deletion email notification for admins.
Implemented Turnstile Cloudflare captcha system.
Implemented a better color picker for all color type inputs.
Implemented the ability to export to CSV, JSON, PDF the domains via the admin panel.
Implemented the ability to show/hide the plans section on the homepage.
Reworked URL redirection for better UX: When you access a page without being logged in, now you will be able to login and automatically be redirected to your initial requested page.
Reworked the admin panel language translation pages for better clarity and also performance.
Improved theme switcher: now the logo will automatically switch as well.
Improved performance of the whole script & cron job by not running queries to the database when not needed.
Now you can also upload Webp images in most image upload related forms.
Taxes set from the admin panel can now contain decimals.
The New Payments Webhook now sends the plan expiration date as well.
Updated session replays library to the latest version.
Reworked the Paddle implementation to work with the new API changes.
Reworked all the Yes/No form selectors to switches, for better UX (1 less mouse click).
Fixed blog post opengraph image not working properly.
Fixed blog category page bug.
Multiple other code cleanups, fixes and improvements.