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10 Brush Transitions Procreate

Graphic Design 10 Brush Transitions Procreate 2024-07-22


The Artsy Paint Brush strokes are made for bold and eye catching projects that need shine :) The base colour scheme is red, so that any other colour changes are easy created. The acrylic brush strokes were made on thick paper to make them more grungy and have additional texture.
Pack Includes
  • 10 PNG Brush Stroke Files (All high res scans)
  • 600 DPI quality
Please feel free to get in touch with me whether you have a question about this product or you are in search of something else. I'm happy to hear from you!
Attribution is always appreciated, and a shout out when you use the product so I can check it out is always nice too!
  • Version 2024-07-22
  • Downloads 3
  • Views 237
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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