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    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
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SureMembers 1.10.5 NULLED

= 1.10.5 - November 28, 2024 =
* New: Added the suremembers_after_restricted_message_content action to display custom content after the restricted message section.
* Improvement: Improved the code base to help achieve good compatibility with SureDash portal.
* Improvement: Improved the login form popup CSS to improve the compatibility with FSE themes.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 1.10.4 - November 21, 2024 =
- Improvement: Updated the licensing library to fix error warnings related to PHP 8.2 version.
- Fix: Fixed the issue which were getting generated while permanently deleting the order.
- Fix: The custom logo was not getting displayed on the wp-login page while using WordPress 6.7 version.
- Fix: Fixed the issue with character encoding issue for email templates.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= 1.10.2 - May 2, 2024 =
* New: Added a access group expiry field in the users import example CSV file.
* New: Introduced a filter `suremembers_restrict_login_redirect` to modify the redirect page URL for the checkout page of third-party plugins.
* Fix: Fixed the user role sync and Drip content restriction use cases.
= 1.9.3 - December 14, 2023 =
* New: Introduced new hooks to add extra meta-boxes to support third-party plugins.
* Improvement: Updated the license library to it's latest version.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where an empty value was causing errors in the strpos function.
* Fix: Addressed a problem with the opening position of the date-picker for the Expiration date option.
* Fix: Fixed the access expiration issue when the access is set to expire on the relative OR specific expiration dates.
* Fix: Access restriction was not working on the basis of URL conditions.
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Reactions: MarkDragon