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Simply Static Pro

Simply Static Pro 1.6.0 NULLED

= 1.6.0 =
* Redirection integration for automated redirects
* Complianz integration for cookie consents
* new forms integration with support WP Forms, Fluent Forms and WS Form
* improved transient handling
* added helper videos for various features
* fixed missing directory for ShortPixel integration
* refactored Fuse.js integration to move away from XMLHTTPRequests
* improved Basic Auth handling
* improved parameters for GitHub integration (decreased tree size, increased blob batch size)
* added test deployment for quicker tests when setting up the options
* custom CSS for embedded content + improved admin UI for selecting redirect pages
* fixed activation when Basic Auth is already set up
= 1.5.2 =
* better file check for search integration
* added compatibility for new integration settings page
* fixed PHP notice for throttling requests option (GitHub)
= =
* iframe integration for forms
* auto-export after comment submission
* BunnyCDN uses default 404 page
* WPML config updated + removed nested fields to support Polylang
* optimization settings now also change config dir URL
* auto-remove host for SFTP deployments
* fix PHP notice for static_url check in webhook

Version:​ +​




  • avoid excludes if the search exclude options is empty
  • check for search enabled before firing hooks for Fuse.jsA lightweight JavaScript library for searching, which allows for more flexible and forgiving searches. integrationThe act of combining different systems, software, or functionalities to work together as a unified whole.
  • fixed optimization settings not running in local directoryA folder on your computer’s hard drive where files are stored. In the context of Simply Static, this could be the place … exports
  • fixed replace plugins feature (optimizations)
  • fixed missing namespace in the WP-CLI command
  • remove traits from tasks to avoid conflicts with PHPA widely-used programming language especially suited for web development. <8.1
= 1.4.6 =
* improved task handling filter mechanism
* fixed GitHub branch setting
* composer dependency update
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon