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Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO

Simple Custom CSS and JS PRO 4.40 NULLED

= 4.40 =
* 02/19/2025

* Fix: the editor doesn't show up under certain conditions
* Fix: don't show the code excerpts in the list table, if the "Extended View" option is enabled for posts or pages
* Update the composer libraries
* Feature: add the "ccj_preprocessor_import_paths" filter for adding custom directory paths when importing SASS or LESS files
= 4.39
* 11/15/2024

* Fix: add nuance for the "in Block editor" option for websites with WP before v6.6 and after
= 4.38 =
* 09/24/2024

* Feature: add JS/CSS custom codes to the Block editor
* Fix: show the handle for resizing the editor along the height
= 4.37 =
* 05/28/2024

* Fix: filter the allowed custom codes for the page only if there is a valid list of allowed custom codes
* Fix: use the GMT time for showing when a custom code was published or modified
* Tweak: remove the kebab-case rule from the CSS linting
* Tweak: load the SASS preprocessor only when saving SASS custom codes
  • Like
Reactions: MarkDragon
= 4.36 =
* 02/06/2024

* Tweak: replace the CSSLint library with the https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint library
* Tweak: update the JSHint library
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 4.34 =
* 06/07/2023
* Feature: add the Wikimedia's library for preprocessing the Less code
* Compatibility with the WooCommerce "Custom Order Tables" feature