• The default language of any content posted is English.
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Rank Math SEO PRO - WordPress SEO Plugin

Rank Math SEO PRO - WordPress SEO Plugin 3.0.83 NULLED

v3.0.65 June 26, 2024​

v3.0.63 May 31, 2024​

  • Fixed: Setting about link to the static homepage was breaking the Schema
  • Fixed: Filter to modify the news:language property in the News Sitemap was not functioning properly

v3.0.61 May 2, 2024​

  • Added: [NEW!] Tool to Generate Image Alt using Content AI
  • Improved: Variable Products from the ProductGroup Schema will now use the main product’s description if it is unavailable for the variant
  • Improved: New posts will now be included in the News Sitemap if they have multiple terms and one of them is not excluded from the Settings
  • Fixed: Invalid property error in the Schema validator due to the unsupported attributes added to the Variable Product Schema
  • Fixed: Post Analytics was not displaying the Google Search Console data if Google Analytics is not connected
  • Fixed: Broken search field styling on the Rank Tracker page in WordPress 6.5

v3.0.60 April 12, 2024​

  • Added: New filter to modify the value of <news:language> in the News Sitemap
  • Improved: Auto-generated Video Schema will be removed when the associated video is deleted from the content during post updates
  • Fixed: Bulk Actions issue with custom post types

v3.0.59 April 3, 2024​

v3.0.58 March 20, 2024​

v3.0.56 February 21, 2024​

v3.0.54 January 17, 2024​
