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Pixel Plus: Events + CAPI + Pixel Catalog for Facebook

PrestaShop Pixel Plus: Events + CAPI + Pixel Catalog for Facebook 2.4.5

Smart Modules

For Facebook and Instagram. GDPR Ready. Pixel Events & Conversion API. iOS 14.5 Ready. Track Facebook events with the Pixel & Conversion API. Measure the ROI of your ads, create catalogues, dynamic ads, tag products, create shops...

Pixel-based event tracking
Pixel Plus allows you to track multiple types of events by using Facebook’s Pixel. Tracking for each event can be enabled or disabled individually on the module’s configuration page.

The events are divided into two categories, depending on the activation time and its value:
  • Static Events: Events are triggered upon loading the page like ViewContent.
  • Dynamic Events: Events triggered after a certain action, like AddToCart for example.
  • Events with Dynamic values: Events whose value depends on the product/s, like AddToCart.
  • Events with a fixed value: Events where you set the value of a certain action and that can be changed anytime, like CompleteRegistration.
Conversion API
The module also can use the Conversion API. This allows your PrestaShop to send the events programmatically, avoiding several constraints, such as Javascript, adBlockers and also improve its results following the iOS 14.5 update and restrictions for advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

Increase your ROI
Knowing what behaviour a user performed on your website will help you boost the ROI (Return on Investment) of your ads by promoting the most effective ads and reviewing or evaluating the ads that did not convert enough.

Aggregated Events Measurement

Aggregated Events Measurement is a mechanism that allows the events to be tracked after the iOS 14 update. This allows each validated domain to track up to 8 events, but those events will not be allocated to a particular user. Users who choose not to send personalized tracking data can still send events anonymized.
AEM is configured on Business Manager and the Pixel Plus will assist you in quickly validating your domain

Purchase Event: three-layer protection to avoid duplicates
Pixel Plus is unlike any other module when it comes to handling transactions, with three layers of security to avoid event duplication. This prevents the module from displaying an incorrect increased number of sales.

Catalogue Creation & SEO Improvement

Pixel Plus will also help you to build a simple product catalogue based on Pixel events. To improve the consistency of the quality of your catalogue, the Pixel Helper tests your theme and adds any missing microdata resulting in a more comprehensive catalogue.

You can use your product catalogue on Facebook in a variety of ways once you have assembled it:
  • Tag products on Instagram
  • Tag products on Facebook
  • Fill the “Shop” tab on Facebook
  • Fill the “Shop” tab on Instagram
  • Create Product Ads
  • Create Dynamic Ads*

Higher Quality Catalogue: The Product Feeds module
The catalogue created through Pixel events is limited by the microdata that is sent. Although the content of the catalogue should be sufficient in most cases, we recommend using the Facebook Products Feed module to create the catalogue.
In this regard, we offer a package that might be of interest in addition to a significant discount on the Pixel Plus and the Products Feed module.
You will be able to find more information on this offer on the Dynamic Ads pack offer after the product description.

How Dynamic Ads work
Dynamic Ads are focused on customer behaviour on your site: Facebook and Instagram will tell you what products your customers are interested in by tracking their behaviour on your site. It will then generate customised ads for each of them based on this information. Pixel Plus event tracking and the Pixel event-based catalogue make this possible. This unique form of advertising is called “retargeting” and allows you to use Dynamic Ads through using both Pixel Plus event tracking and the Pixel event-based catalogue.
Consider this scenario: a potential customer visits your site and adds a product to their cart, but does not complete the transaction. You can use Dynamic Ads to display ads on Facebook and Instagram for the product he/she was interested in. This way, your customer would be more likely to purchase the goods from you.

GDPR Ready
Pixel events can now be blocked by the Pixel Plus module until the cookies are validated. This is a must-have option for any e-commerce business selling to customers in Europe.
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