• The default language of any content posted is English.
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JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System 8.0.0 NULLED

[6/21/2024] v7.1.0
* Added Stripe Connect for automatic withdrawals, as an alternative for manual payouts
* Allow admins enabling multiple built-in payment providers through Stripe checkout from admin panel
* Creators needs to go through an onboarding process before being able to receive payments
* Added the possibility of enabling additional 3rd party payment processors via stripe (ideal, bancontact, eps, giropay, blik)
* Fixed a client-side issue related to the PWA app serviceworker.js file, throwing console errors
* Other small fixes and improvements
* Documentation updates
[4/19/2024] v6.9.0
* Added new Admin > Settings > Feed option allowing the search widget to be set to default filters
* Fixed an admin panel issue issue when running on S3 storage + Presigned urls, breaking user save action
* Fixed a few pushrCDN storage driver-related leftover issues
* Fixed an issue when invalid default profile prices were provided in the admin panel, the register flow would throw errors
* Fixed a miscalculation on the withdrawal confirmation email, related to the withdrawal fee
* Fixed an admin withdrawals issue, when the fee field wouldn't get auto-populated on approval
* Fixed an issue where the user's assets weren't properly deleted when removing a user from the admin panel
* Improved the Admin > Invoices area, added transaction ID to the table
* Improved the Admin > Money > Withdrawal table fields
* Improved the Admin > Public pages area, added a page link action button
* Improved the Admin > Attachments area
* Performed an overall grammar and typos fixes overall default translation strings
* Multiple improvements over the installer module
* Multiple other small bug-fixes and UI improvements & tweaks
* Small documentation updates and improvements
[6/10/2023] v6.2.0

* Added mass messaging feature within user messenger, users can now send the same message to multiple users
* Added post-scheduling features - Release & Expire date, can be turned on or off from the admin panel
* Added "Max height post box media preview" option, locking and cropping feed posts to enforce height dimensions
* Added a new PPV content unlock notification, which can be disabled within the User notifications panel
* Added a new email stream start email notification, which can be enabled within the User notifications panel
* Added a warning over admin dashboard page, if PHP's pdo_mysql extension is not using the mandatory mysqlnd driver
* Added "CCBill skip subaccount from cancellations" admin option, for rare CCBill accounts that requires this setting
* Added DB events for user and subscription delete, so their recurring subscriptions will be canceled as well
* Added a 6-hour user messenger email notifications throttle to avoid email spam
* Updated the User payments area, allowing people to only see invoices for approved transactions
* Fixed the auto-ordering of the latest messages within contact lists when sending/receiving a message
* Fixed the user messenger UI state when deleting the last message out of a conversation
* Fixed a user messenger bug, showing invalid contacts when creating a new conversation
* Fixed a messenger bug, where invalid contacts were shown, due to expired sub/follow relation
* Fixed an invoice bug related to the transaction type field
* Fixed an Admin > Invoices > View button link bug, sending to same invoice id
* Fixed a user profiles geo-blocking access bug
* Fixed a feed's bug where tooltips wouldn't get shown for new pages
* Fixed a user settings bug, when using markdown for the profile bio page, on some mobile devices
* Fixed the RTL issues over the admin panel side
* Multiple translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small fixes and improvements
[3/28/2023] v5.9.0

* Added new Admin > Settings > Feed > Hide users suggestion slider option
* Added new Admin > Settings > Site > Hide identity checks menu option
* Added the ID-verified badge over posts comments & users search area
* Fixed a renewal transactions bug where credit was not added to the user's wallet
* Updated the Users > Payments "Amount" column to include taxes only for payments sent
* Fixed an Admin > Withdrawal request delete notification bug
* Fixed an Admin > Invoices issue, where the table was not filtrable
* Made the Admin > Payments > Cronjobs hint dialog auto-hide if CJs are setup
* Included withdrawal taxes for the withdrawals email notifications
* Updated the Admin > Transactions table fields, for easier data search
* Re-ordered the Admin > Settings > Site settings, for a more logical approach
* Removed individual Paypal & Stripe wallet balance count from Admin > Users > Wallets
* Small SEO improvements, added canonical links on profile filters (images/videos/streams)
* Other small fixes and improvements

Release notes User wallets will be re-created based on their transaction history. Any user credit provided manually by admins, which hasn't been spent, will be lost.
Download JustFans v5.0.0 NULLED - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform
[10/19/2022] v5.0.0

* Disabled subscription and tip buttons on the profile page, for unconfirmed email addresses, when the platform is running on enforced email validations mode
* Added admin option that's able to hide withdrawal area for non-ID checked profiles
* Added browser-based language check - if browser locale is available, that language will be used by default
* Added a message over messenger's "New message" dialog, when the user has no available profiles to send a new message to
* Added tooltips for messenger's bottom section button
* Added possibility of sending empty messages, with attachments only
* Fixed an XSS issue in the messenger area
* Fixed an issue related to CCBill renewal time periods
* Translation strings improvements and fixes
* Other small bugfixes and improvements
[10/1/2022] v4.9.0 NULLED
* Added a new option for enforcing withdrawal fees, which can be set from admin and they will be shown over the user's withdrawals page
* Fixed search page issue, returning 500 error when no default filter was present
* FFmpeg tweaks, improving support for certain server environments
* Other small bugfixes
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