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Integrate Google Drive PRO

Integrate Google Drive PRO 1.4.7 NULLED

= 1.4.7 (2024-11-30) =
* Fix: Fixed folders not sorting properly.
* Fix: Fixed statistics email report not sending.
* Fix: Fixed media player responsive issue.
* Fix: Fixed links not opening in the file inlined view.
* Fix: Fixed classic editor conflicts in formidable forms settings.
* Fix: Fixed auto-save not working.
* Update: Added integration support for Tutor LMS v3.0.
* Update: Improved overall plugin performance and user interface.
= 1.4.6 (2024-11-11) =
* **Fix:** Fixed sort by name not working properly.
* **Fix:** Fixed private folders merging issue.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 1.4.5 (2024-11-04) =
* **New:** Added password protection for the shortcode modules.
* **New:** Added grid playlist style for the media player module.
* **New:** Added settings to hide the preview bottom thumbnails.
* **New:** Added video type embed, direct option for the media player module and Tutor LMS video.
* **Fix:** Fixed WooCommerce products import image not setting properly.
* **Fix:** Fixed nonce validation issue for the shortcode modules.
* **Fix:** Fixed Upload module not displaying error messages.
* **Update:** Updated contact form 7 integration to support the latest version.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 1.4.4 (2024-10-09) =
* New: Added upload folder selection and file renaming settings in WooCommerce uploads.
* Fix: Fixed database tables not created.
* Fix: Fixed file, folder not renaming properly in WooCommerce uploads.
* Fix: Fixed remember last folder not working issue.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
= 1.3.94 (2024-04-21) =
* New: Added video playback thumbnail for video items in the gallery.
* New: Added option to display selected folder files for download/view links module.
* Update: Removed Gallery module from the free version.
* Update: Removed Contact Form 7 integration from the free version.
* Update: Improved overall performance and security.
= 1.3.7 (2024-01-14) =
* **Fix:** Fixed media player not working issue.