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Classima - Classified ads Android & iOS App

Classima - Classified ads Android & iOS App 2.52.4

VERSION 2.52.4 (FEB 22, 2024)​

Added: React Native 0.73
Added: Expo SDK 50
Added: Zero Payment integration
Added: Iyzipay payment gateway integration
Added: Billing address added during payment
Added: category image/icon support in the new listing form
Added: View count in different places
Added: Image view slider improvement in listing detail page
Added: Verified seller badge in different places
Fixed: Search returns no ads on the homepage after scrolling down
Fixed: Alert in simulators about Push
Fixed: Escape characters in Filter Checkbox names
Fixed: Google play store app was removed due to a policy issue
Fixed: Push notification issue
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Reactions: talgatsadyrbek

VERSION 2.43.12 (NOV 15, 2023)​

Added: category restriction for new ad creation
Added: Home Screen category layout changed
Fixed: Can not send the message in chat while opened from push notification (while the app is killed) is fixed
Fixed: The image required restriction not showing is fixed
Fixed: Pricing type selection is not showing in the edit listing is fixed
Fixed: Verified seller badge is not showing in-store detail screen is fixed
Fixed: Clicking on chat push notification freezes the Android app at splash (while the app is killed) is fixed
Fixed: App Tracking Transparency Request not showing in iOS App Store connect review is fixed
Fixed: Clicking on chat push notification opens a blank screen in the iOS app (While the app is killed) is fixed
Fixed: The iOS image picker gets stuck in loading while pressing back from the camera screen is fixed
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Reactions: galosanc

VERSION 2.39.5 (AUG 14, 2023)​

Added: More Google admob banners on different screens.
Added: Option to open similar ads on the same page without navigating to a new page.
Added: Store only for membership features added in the app.
Added: Added cancel button on call modal.
Added: Google map marker press will open the default map app with the listing location.
Fixed: Multiple images not selected issue solved
Fixed: Listing submission button disabled without any error in form issue solved
Fixed: Membership package promotion ads number not showing issue solved
Fixed: Edit Profile button disabled issue solved
Fixed: Chat report error while open from listing page issue solved
Fixed: The user can not get membership promotion without logging out and logging in after buying membership packages issue solved
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Reactions: lucky2023