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Information: Safety & Support
Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Updated Google Maps API: Google made significant changes to its Maps API on March 1st, affecting location and distance services. The plugin has been updated to align with the new API system, addressing issues for users generating new API keys.
Updated license verification process: The license verification process has been completely rebuilt, including domain association, to ensure a more secure and efficient validation system.
Added option to display the price before the discount is applied, calculated using the “Pricing Rules” module.
Added auto-scroll to navigation buttons after selecting a vehicle when Booking Extras are disabled.
Changed the “Book Now” button label to “Add to Cart” when WooCommerce cart support is enabled.
Added functionality to the calendar – clicking on a day number redirects to the list of bookings for that day.
Added option to set a category for the product added to the cart (no category, a category selected from the list, or the same category as the vehicle – provided the same categories exist in WooCommerce).