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Active eCommerce CMS PHP Script by ActiveITzone

NULLED Active eCommerce CMS PHP Script by ActiveITzone v8.9

here i have seller subscription 2.1, i tested it in V8.7 and is not working


  • active-ecommerce-seller-subscription-addon-v2.1.zip
    268.9 KB · Views: 31
error update https://www.xxxx.com/purchase_code
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Oops! An Error Occurred​

The server returned a "405 Method Not Allowed".​

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I have Same issue with update of (8.8n)
I have this error when sending files or images, nothing is sent on the administrator and seller panel, does anyone have a solution to this problem?


  • Sem título.jpg
    Sem título.jpg
    51.1 KB · Views: 16
i have made an upgrade on my V8.7 and yes either you use the system upgrader or the manual upgrade the site will give an error 500, but as long as you have the option to go to any of the links in the "admin" panel EXCEPT for the "dashboard" itself you can use the site as normal, the only option you can't use is "dashboard", so before you upgrade your site you save one or to links from the admin panel then you upgrade to v8.8 and then you go to any of those links and you will se admin panel, but never go to "dashboard" cause its the only link there not working, if anyone knows what is the file that takes us to the "dashboard" please let me know so i can try to have it fixed, hope this can help you guys
After updating the program, I get a 500 error
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After updating the program, I get a 500 error
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After updating the program, I get a 500 error
here i have seller subscription 2.1, i tested it in V8.7 and is not working
This code of yours has a problem, it doesn't update
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After updating the program, I get a 500 error
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After updating the program, I get a 500 error
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After updating the program, I get a 500 error
I have the same problem updating from version 8.7 to version 8.8

version : 8.9 (23/05/2024)
- Introducing Onepage Checkout.
- Repayment feature added in the system.
- Activation & Credentials of Payment gateways are now in one place in admin panel.
- Payment gateways configuration have been restructured completely in this update.

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