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4SEO - All-in-on SEO Joomla extension

4SEO - All-in-on SEO Joomla extension 5.3.0


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension - Joomla SEO

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The only Joomla SEO tool you need​

4SEO is a modern, integrated Search Engine Optimization solution for Joomla.
It constantly analyzes your site to detect changes, identifies important pages, adds meta and structured data, optimizes for social sharing and builds your sitemap.
4SEO also provides you with tools for every day SEO work: list of broken links, custom error pages, redirections, content replacement, robots.txt...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

4SEO v3.1.0.1777 - All-in-on SEO extension // 2022-08-29

Version 3.1.0​

chg - Make rules URL specification match when entered URL-encoded.
chg - Removed deprecated tags from images sitemaps: caption, geo_location, title, license
chg - The sh404SEF import process requires that sh404SEF is installed and enabled. Alternatively, 4SEF can be used instead of sh404SEF - but sh404SEF data must still be present.
chg - Allow AdWords-style IDs in Google Analytics and Google Tag manager rules
chg - Added more cleaning up of CSS selector...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

Download 4SEO v4.0.1.1823 - All-in-on SEO extension

2022-10-05 - Version 4.1.0​

new Added a Purge all button on the Broken links page.
chg Better, more informative display if an error occurs while communicating with Google API
chg Renamed search results 'evolution' to Keyword and Page trackers
chg Display Google connection error message to user instead of just logging it to a file
chg Added a bit more logging to Search Console connection process
bug Incorrectly report links with non-ascii characters in query variables as...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

Download 4SEO v4.2.0.1891 - All-in-on SEO extension

Version 4.2.0​

  • Now detecting and rejecting rules URL specification that have incorrectly UTF8-encoded specifications
  • Changed crawler user agent string as some rare servers can block the previous one for 'security' reasons
  • Default to using HTTP 1.1 for crawling the website. Allows crawling with some not so well configured servers.
  • Changed crawler requests headers names as some rare servers can block the previous ones for 'security' reasons
  • Performance...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

Download 4SEO v4.2.1.1898 - All-in-on SEO extension

2022-10-19 - Version 4.2.1​

  • Added handling of more extensions that use the same item on multiple languages (JomShopping)
  • In redirects, the Append back query string option only works as expected for rules with wildcard characters
  • Built-in rules to block some spammer robots access are not applied if they have a question mark in the URL specification
  • Missing text for HTTPS required to connect to Search Console, only error code is displayed

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

4SEO v4.2.2.1911 - All-in-on SEO extension

Version 4.2.2​

chg Added a filter to pass additional options to the HTTP client used when communicating with Google Search Console. May help for websites which servers are blocked by Google.
chg Inject site name in home page structured data and OpenGraph records. Site name is now used more often by Google in search results, this will help Google get the name right.
chg On sites which started using 4SEO early on, the fake Facebook application id automatically added to...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

4SEO Joomla v4.9.0

2023-08-10 - Version 4.9.0​

new Added feature and alert to optionally block IA robots such as those from ChatGPT to crawl the website
new Added ability to create aliases: another type of redirect which is easier to create, faster to execute but limited in trigger conditions and target URLs
new Added option to override Joomla full page cache plugin when applying redirects rules
new Added full translation to Arabic, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Romanian, Swedish...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

4SEO Joomla v5.0.0

2023-10-17 Version 5.0.0​

chg Accomodate pages where some custom javascript code has been added that includes invalid html tags in text strings, thus breaking cron or performance measurements pixels injection
chg Removed use of int(nn) in SQL tables declaration or update
chg Suppress button press highlighting by some browser on mobile devices
chg Updated ESBuild config to use actual file content hashes (esbuild hashes are not content hashes)
chg Added CCBot to , to...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

4SEO v5.1.0 - All-in-on SEO extension

Version 5.1.0​

chg Accept more than one URL in sitemaps for the same content id. Allows use manual override to include several pages for the same canonical content
chg Do not URL-encode URL reserved characters when adding them to sitemaps, as they are sometimes used as is in URLs
chg Default value for Disregard case when creating any type of rule is now Yes
chg Now defaulting to not checking Joomla com_redirect before triggering a 404 on Joomla 3, as this prevents error...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO extension with a new update entry:

4SEO v5.2.0 - All-in-on SEO extension

4SEO changelog​

2023-12-05 Version 5.2.0​

newSitemaps are now submitted to Google using the Search Console connection, if present. Manual submission also possible from within the Sitemaps page.
newRedesigned Sitemaps page. When connected to Google Search console, now shows details of sitemaps registered with Google, including pages and images submitted
newAdded content replacer rule option to prevent replacement to happen in title tags content (H1, H2...

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raz0r updated 4SEO - All-in-on SEO Joomla extension with a new update entry:

Changelog 4SEO 5.3.0

2024-01-30 - Version 5.3.0​

chg 4SEO frontend icon may not be visible on some YooTheme template, added some styles
chg Built-in shortcodes are now also replaced in all structured data text fields
chg Protect against SEF plugin having option custom domain option filled-in, may cause pages to be considered non-canonical
chg Avoid encoding & signs found in invalid URLs when adding them to sitemaps
bug Posisble PHP deprecation warning on recent PHP versions when viewing the...

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@raz0r - Can this be nulled by any chance so it can be connected, for example, to enable Google Search Control Integration?

Any help or answer is much appreciated. :)
@raz0r - Can this be nulled by any chance so it can be connected, for example, to enable Google Search Control Integration?

Any help or answer is much appreciated. :)
Be more specific, it asking license?